Monday, January 27, 2020
How Do Single Sex Schools Effect Students Young People Essay
How Do Single Sex Schools Effect Students Young People Essay Single sex school is better than co-ed school as it brings more confidence to every individual. Single sex education as known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or schools while co-ed school is the integrated education of males and females in the same institution. Socially, single sex school makes for more mature people earlier. Young people learn more from experience of diversity. Educationally, single sex schools seem to be better for girls to do well at traditionally male subjects like chemistry and physics. Emotionally it encourages sexual relationships which some say its a distraction from education or is to be objected to morally especially for girls which is why Islam forbids coeducation. If a boy isnt male stereotype in personality he is more likely to be lonely in a single-sex school because with co-ed he may find girls to hang out with. Generally single-sex schools tend to have better academic grades and better discipline, but this may be because most of the hard-working Hindu and Muslim children go there or for other reason that allow them to select against disruptive and disaffected kids, rather than because they are single-sex. Furthermore, single sex schools are more educational than co-ed school because boys are less attracted by girls and girls are also less obsessed with the boys. Therefore, students may pay more attention on classes while all students are same sex. Besides, they will also break out of their behavior when they are left to their own devices. Single sex education has a delightful way of encouraging students to be fearless, to be curious, to be enthusiastic, and to just be themselves. Single sex education with more controlled social outlets is just the ticket for many students. Firstly is less pressure to act cool around friends of other sex. Secondly is less conflict between friends of the opposite sex. Thirdly is more relaxed attitude such as not putting on a show for boys or girls they like. Last but not least, they have lower levels of anxiety over appearance or clothing. Also, less emotional stress brought on by the head games teens play while in relationships. There are several reasons for choosing a single sex school. For boys, they tend to soften their competitive edge and become more cooperative in a single sex school. They can just be boys and not worry about what girls might think or judge them. Furthermore, boys enjoy playing in an orchestra as opposed to a marching band and learn Latin in single sex settings. For girls, teachers will quickly feel comfortable exploring non-traditional subjects like mathematics, advanced science, computers, and technology if the teacher understands how to teach girls. Besides, they may drop their shyness in a single sex setting. They join some sports like hockey, football follow their hobbies without worrying about appearing like tom boys girls are free from sexual harassment which always happens in co-ed high schools. In all-girls schools, girls take over all the positions of leadership whether its drama, sports, or debate team. Also, they participate in class discussions freely, which boys always dominate in co-educational schools. They tend to gain confidence in themselves as students and score higher on their examinations. Girls no longer have to live up to expectations that they must be nice, quiet, non-athletic, and passive. Moreover, girls may work harder without boys distracting them. Girls brains usually work differently from boys because girls are more likely to take up subjects normally dominated by boys. For example like maths and sciences. On the other hand, co-ed schools are many like gender stereotyping has mostly seen in these institutes. Both sexes are almost immature in the very young age and they get mix and are not able to keep a distance. Teacher favoritism is also major issues like some teachers favor girls and some boys. It has been observed that Co-education can cause gender stereotyping. Many students are not able to focus on their studies and they become interested in each other at very young age. Some favoritism has also been observed. In co-education sometimes it becomes difficult for the parents to manage their kids. Students are more likely to become fashion conscious. It can affect the natural learning for some of the students. Co-Education is bad because it create the complex in the poor student who cannot afford expensive mobiles, car, motorbikeà etc. The one big disadvantage about having boys and girls in the same class is when we go for physical education. Boys and girls just cannot do the same type of exercise or play the same game together. So we need to have two teachers, one for the boys and one for the girls. Our headmaster has come up with the ingenious solution of having two classes doing P.E. at the same time so that the boys and girls from each class combine together under one teacher each. There are certain conservative people criticize the system of co-education. According to them, this system is against our tradition. They also fear that co-education will develop immoral relationships between boys and girls. They believe that in this system both the boys and girls will be spoilt. The negative aspect is engaging in some non required activities like mostly in coeducation girls and boys are found hanging around those cafes and pubs bunking the classes and this all stinks There are also certain disadvantages of co-education. First, co-education is against the law of nature. Girls and boys are temperamentally different from each other. They have different duties to perform. A girl is required to receive education which can make her a good wife and a good mother while a boy is required to receive education which can make him a good husband and a good father. A Uniform education cannot help them be expert in their respective fields. Thus the very idea of co-education is wrong. Then co-education is against our traditions. It will develop immoral relations between boys and girls. Young boys and girls may fall a victim to their emotions. Moreover, research on coeducation has shown that coeducation in its commonly practiced form tends to reinforce rather than diminish gender stereotypes. For several years the studies concentrated on girls, only during the last seven years or so the focus shifted to boys. All in all, it can be said that coeducation has proved to be of great disadvantage for both sexes. Some of the most common disadvantages for girls are having less space at their disposal, literally as well as symbolically speaking in coeducational classes. Furthermore, no matter if the teachers are male or female, girls get only few fraction of the teachers attention compared to boys. Also girls are abused as social workers, according to the motto seat a well-behaved girl next to a disruptive boy, so as to create an orderly working situation in the classroom. Girls achievements in school are discriminatingly attributed to their diligence versus boys intelligence. Disruptive girls are treated much more severely than d isruptive boys. Boys are given more speaking time during lessons. Cooperative behavior of girls is labeled as conformity, whereas boys` competitive attitudes are usually admired and seen positively by teachers. Girls` contributions in lessons are often pulled to pieces by their male classmates. They are also humiliated, degraded and ridiculed. Even today girls are little motivated for science and mathematics and still opt for traditional female subjects like languages and humanities. The same applies to the choice of schools girl tend to attend schools that are traditionally associated with female education and shun technical schools. Girls` strengths are often not seen as such: cooperative behaviour, high commitment in school, social intelligence, high achievements, good performances, to name but a few. During the early years of research on gender and school ( from the late seventies onward), most of the studies dealt with girls. Programmers to strengthen girls were developed and practised. As a result not only of this , but also of the crisis of the male in Western world in general boys seem to have become even more disruptive and difficult. And so it was realized that coeducation cannot be improved without working with both sexes. As a result the focus of researchers to a very high degree female turned to boys, particularly boys up to the age of 14 or 15. Also, there was a change as to the approach: In the early days of gender conscious work in schools (notably with girls), girls were seen as having deficits compared to boys. From the late eighties onwards the approach was that of a concept of difference, with the vision of a school in in that offered equal opportunities for both boys and girls, reinforcing non-traditional gender stereotypes rather than perpetuating the traditi onal ones. Besides, the disadvantages of coeducation for boys are most of the boys have great problems in the field of social competence. Cooperative methods of work are difficult for them (group and teamwork, for example) whereas, vice versa, girls find competitive methods more difficult. Boys tend to solve conflicts with physical and verbal aggressions. They lag behind considerably in language learning, achieving far worse results. In general, male pupils have worse results in school, fail more often and have a higher dropout rate. As a conclusion the advantages and disadvantages of attending a single sex school or co-educational school are now being looked into more closely when the decision is being made on which environment is best for a child to learn. Each school environment has pros and cons to offer the student. What is important is that the right learning environment is selected based on the one student and how they learn. When a student is not placed in the right learning environment for them they can begin to fall behind the rest of the class. It is important to keep in mind that neither learning environment has yet to show that is the best learning environment for all children to be taught in. This is why the question Is a single sex school or a mixed school the best learning environment for my child? is been asked more and more recently but as a advantage they would able to know how to behave and the difference between them.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Legalization Of Weed Essay -- essays research papers fc
Illegal drug use is a major problem in the world today. Million of dollars are spent ever year to prevent the trafficking and distribution of these drugs. Virtually all Drugs is smuggled into the United States concealed in false compartments, fuel tanks, seats, tires of private and commercial vehicles, pickup trucks, vans, mobile homes, and horse trailers. Large shipments usually are smuggled in tractor-trailer trucks in false compartments and among legitimate bulk shipments, such as agricultural products. The government has devised ways to cut down on drugs. Yet the drug crisis is greater today then ever. Marijuana is one the most widely used illegal drug. Over the past thirty year the government has demonized Marijuana. In this paper my intent is it to illustrate the pros and cons of Marijuana use, as well as to prove that marijuana should be legalized, regulated, and taxed just like cigarettes. Marijuana, also spelled Marihuana comes from the Indian hemp plant, cannabis sativa. It is a crude tobacco like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowery top of the cannabis plant. It is put into pipes or formed into cigarettes (reefers or joints) for smoking. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts. Lester Ginspoon writes, "The drug is a mild hallucinogen meaning that it distorts sensory perceptions. Marijuana is known by a variety of names including pot, tea, grass and weed (112)". Marijuana can also be added to foods and beverages. The intoxication part of the plant lies mostly in its strong-smelling, sticky, golden resin. Gabriel Nashas wrote, "The hemp flowers, especially those of the female plant, give this smell off." (Ginspoons 214). Many users describe two phases of marijuana effect as initial stimulation, giddiness, and euphoria, followed by sedation and pleasant tranquility. Mood changes can often accompany altered perceptions of time and space of one's bodily dimension. "The hemp plant can be found growing as a weed or as a cultivated plant throughout the world, in many soils and climates, with the more potent varieties produced in dry, hot, wasteland"(lord 35). Marijuana varies in potency, depending on where and how it is grown and prepared for use or stored. In the book uses of Marijuana it Solomon Snyder states: Active ingredient, tetrahydrocanabinol (THC), is present in all part of both male and ... ...control their own bodies. Decriminalize drugs, help those who need it, and let the police spend their time protecting us from real crime. We as a society need to have a more open mind on this herbal stubstance Bibliography Grinspoon Lester. Marihuana Reconsidered. Cambrige: Harvard University Press, 1971. Lail, Bernard M. Marijuana, Friend or foe. Nashvile: South Publishing Association,1979. Linkletter, Art. My Child an Drugs?. Ohio: Standard Publishing, 1981. Lord, Jess R. Marijuana and personality Change. Lexington: Health Lexington Press, 1972 Nashas, Gabriel G. Keeping off the Grass. New York: Rader's Digest Press, 1971 Rudolph, Barbara."Ganja." Time 7 July 1986: 46-47 Snyder, Solomon H. Uses of Marjuana . New York: Oxford University press,1971 Turner, Carlton. Marijuana. New York :Academic Press 1973. NA "Marijuana prohibition in the 90's". Jan. 1997 NA, "A new attitude on old drug" May. 2000
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Leisure Profile Assignment
My personal philosophy towards life and leisure is founded in the belief that one should seek out those moments, events, people and attitudes that bring happiness to oneââ¬â¢s life. I believe in spending time with the ones you love and the ones who love you in return as it is these people who help shape your reality, attitudes and life in turn. Since the truth is that no one cares if you are miserable except yourself, I make sure to surround myself with people who enrich my life; those who uplift me and help bring me higher and strive to better myself. I believe it is important to take time to do activities that one loves doing. It doesnââ¬â¢t matter whether these activities are enjoyed alone, with friends or with family, just getting out and doing these activities is beneficial to oneââ¬â¢s state of being. When a person takes time to do those things they love, a contentedness results and regardless of any hurt, pain, stress or struggles, they are able to enjoy themselves in that moment. I believe attitude contributes a lot to oneââ¬â¢s state of mind and also oneââ¬â¢s physical being. All of my life experiences, good and bad alike, have taught me a lot and have helped me grow into the person I am today. I try to remain positive no matter what situation I find myself in. A major driving force in my life is my family. I am a firm believer that one of the most important aspects in life is family. I have a two year old daughter who has changed my life in a positive way and feel truly blessed to have her in my life. Life has changed since her arrival but it her presence that gives me that extra push to stay focused on my goals and on those aspects of life that really matters to me. If you had asked me what my personal philosophy toward leisure is 3 years ago, it would have been completely different to what it is now but with all my life experiences, knowledge learned and knowledge shared I can now say that while I am a young, I wouldnââ¬â¢t change a thing. Definition of Leisure In our lecture notes leisure is defined as any activity or state of mind experience that is freely driven or happens spontaneously during work time, obligation time, and/or discretionary time; and is permissible by the norms of society and is culturally specific, meaning that it is derived according to the values, traditions, or more of a specific way or lifestyle of a particular cultural group(s) and Canada as a whole. (Karlis, 2004) My definition of leisure is a similar one. I believe that leisure is the freedom to do those activities you desire to do with your free time. Leisure time is the time away from work and/or work related activities. It is the time and freedom from your responsibilities, whatever they maybe, and it varies for each individual. Leisure time encompasses those activities that help in reducing and relieving stress and those activities that result in positive contribution to an individualââ¬â¢s health. Every individual lives a different life and lifestyle thus the way a person spends their time will be different. One individual may enjoy spending time with the important people in their life, while another may enjoy participating in activityââ¬â¢s that he/she enjoys partaking in alone and/or with those important people in their lives. Any activity that brings a sense of happiness or joy to an individualââ¬â¢s life is leisure. My Leisure Activities As I am now a mom, my leisure activities have changed since 2009, they are family orientated and child friendly activities. I do not have the freedom to do everything and anything I would like however I have adapted and made changes to my life that result in fulfillment to both myself and my daughter. I do my best to ensure that both my daughter and I enjoy ourselves in whatever activity I choose for us to partake in. I am lucky that my daughter plays well both alone as well as in those moments where she has the opportunity to play with other children. I, along with most mothers, want my daughter to be happy, however I believe that in order for her to be so, she needs a happy mom. With this in mind I try to take advantage of my alone time while she is in daycare and when she is asleep at night. In January, my daughter and I moved from Thompson, Mb. and her da (my spouse) stayed in Thompson to work. With this change in our lives our activities are usually consist of just her and I. We consider ourselves lucky when family comes to visit and take as much time to soak in these times when they do occur. My activities I enjoy with my daughter: * Visiting and playing with the extended family we do have here in Winnipeg (Cousins, both my age and her age) * Swimming for fun I try to take Mila to McDonaldââ¬â¢s Play place once a week (while she does this I get time for myself to drink tea or catch up with a friend or family member) * We go for runs together and since she loves being outside I push her in the stroller and bundle her up nice and warm. * In the summer time we go to different parks, long walks/wagon rides to get ice cream or a slush, and/or go to the bea ch * Watch movies together and cuddle * We Skype and Facetime a lot with our close family who are located in Thompson, Mb. * When her dad is visiting, we enjoy any activity so long as we are together * Family trips and traveling Dinner with family and friends * Read books, make crafts, color, and paint My activities: * Workout at my gym, go for a run or swim by myself when I can * Participating in a group workout class; group spin, yoga etc. * I like to go for a tan and relax after a hard workout * Going for tea and dessert with friends * I enjoy shopping with my close friends and family * Getting dressed up and going dancing with my girlfriends * Dinner and alone time with my boyfriend when he is in town * I enjoy Facebook and social networking * Getting my hair colored monthly Catching a movie with my boyfriend or friends Activities I do most often The activity I try to do the most is to go to the gym. I aim at going 5-6 times per week for about one hour and half to two hours and afte r a hard workout I enjoy a relaxing tan however as I am aware this can have long term effects on my health I do this only twice a week. The activities I do the most with my daughter would be: watching movies together, reading books (especially at bedtime), and Skyping and/or Facetiming with our family in Thompson. As we miss our family, it is important to us to have regular contact with our immediate family. My Favorite Activity/Why? I am a certified personal trainer and thus my favorite activity which promotes happiness and balance in my life is my time at the gym. My aim during my workouts is to try to target every major muscle group. One of my fitness goals is to compete in a fitness competition within the next year. During my workouts I always workout with a friend, this enables me to time to work on our shared fitness goals and also provides me with social time where I can catch up with my girlfriend(s). Previously, when I resided in Thompson, my favorite activity was working out with a friend and/or my spouse. I enjoy running and swimming and I like to change up my workout routine. I have found that participating in group spin class with other people who have similar fitness goals has been both beneficial and motivational to me. Working out and staying active is therapeutic and very important to my well-being. It improves my overall self-esteem and frame of mind and I have a fun time doing it. My favorite activity to do when my spouse is here visiting us is simply going out for dinner. I enjoy being able to sit down together, the one on one time and of course a good meal. It is those times that I am most thankful and feel blessed for everything that I have. Motivation My daughter and my family are the driving forces that motivate me. The reason I moved here in January was to pursue a Kinesiology degree and I can say with honesty that it has been the hardest and most stressful thing I have done in my life. I left my comfortable lifestyle, my spouse, my family, and my friends in Thompson, Manitoba so that I could better my life and my daughterââ¬â¢s life. This experience has made me a stronger person and I am thankful for every opportunity I get for myself to grow as an individual. I am always writing down my goals and ambitions and I re-evaluate these every two to three months, doing this helps keep me focused and motivated on what I want for my life. My goals vary from what I want in a yearââ¬â¢s time, five years time, and what Iââ¬â¢ll accomplish in ten years time. I have education goals, fitness goals, and relationship goals with my spouse, and my daughter. Being a good mom is my main priority and is very important to me. My daughter deserves to be happy and I want to provide a good life for her, this is why she is the reason I stay focused, organized and goal orientated. Satisfaction I get so much pleasure from my leisure activities. When I work out, I feel happy, healthy and strong. As a mom my daughter needs me to be all those qualities that it takes to be a good mother to her. It is time I take time to myself to ââ¬Å"not worry about being a momâ⬠and all ââ¬Å"the momâ⬠responsibilities I have taken on in the past two years. I feel great about myself as a mom and a person and feel I am capable anything I put my mind too. This attitude helps in all aspects of my life. The time I spend with my daughter and my spouse together as a family creates the ultimate happiness in my life and I feel blessed to have them. My family has been through a lot of upââ¬â¢s and downââ¬â¢s and I know we are a strong family unit. Constraints Constraints in our lecture notes was defined as barriers, inhibitorââ¬â¢s, obstacles, or restraining factorââ¬â¢s ââ¬â perceived or real ââ¬â that influence (preclude or limit) an individualââ¬â¢s participation, frequency, intensity, duration, quality, or freedom of choice in leisure activity. E. L Jackson, 1988) Having just moved here in January, away from my spouse and other immediate family, has been a constraint, both to my physical well-being as well as to my emotional well-being. I have found that being on a student salary with my daughter is very constraining of both time and money. All of these obstacles limit the activities that my daughter and I can do a s we are limited by when, where and how often we can carry out our work and leisure activities. With a budget in mind this creates more barriers as I cannot afford a babysitter. I find that I do not have as much freedom as I did when I lived in Thompson, where my family was available to babysit at a momentââ¬â¢s notice. When I lived in Thompson, my spouse and I had 1 household and I was able to work. Being able to work enabled me to to afford a new vehicle, get my hair done when I wanted or shop online as I pleased. Things are different now, I am in a new city, in a new home (additional household), and I really have to watch what I spend my money on now. If my daughter is sick I miss school, a workout, or have to cancel any prior plans I had. I also am unable to work since I cannot afford a babysitter. Ultimately, deciding move was a large constraint to my personal, leisure and financial life but it will be beneficial when Iââ¬â¢m done school. What I can do to remove constraints Being a mom on my own, my daughter does take up a lot of my time. I try to find activities we can do together, and as she gets older I know she will be able to participate in more activities. I go to the gym when she is at daycare and if I want to go on the weekend my gym has a daycare where she enjoys it too. If I want to go for a run I simply put her in her stroller and off we go together. If I want to go for tea with a friends we go to McDonaldââ¬â¢s where Mila can play and where I am able to socialize. When her dad does come to visit I am able to get my free time in to do whatever I want. My daughterââ¬â¢s grandparents live in Lac Du Bonet and they are also willing to take her once in awhile. I believe if you really want something you can make it happen and with a few adaptations you can make any situation work. My daughter isnââ¬â¢t going to be two years old forever so Iââ¬â¢m going to enjoy the time we have now together. Stress in my life My current major stress issues are trying to get my finances in order. I have car payments and monthly rent and utility payments. This is my first time living on my own and is also the first time living alone with my two year old daughter. This change was a scary change not just for me but for her as well. Another major stressor in my life is my relationship with my spouse. Our relationship has been an on and off relationship and not the healthiest relationship either. I have lost weight as a result of being hurt and stressed out, my education has suffered and my relationships with my other family members and friends have suffered. Another contributor of stress in my life is raising my two year old daughter by myself and with everything combined it can be overwhelming at times. Activities that reduce my stress When I upset or need time to myself I really enjoying swimming or going for a long run to help clear my head and sort out my thoughts. If I need to talk to someone about something I usually workout with a good friend so I can get a workout in and another personââ¬â¢s perspective on my current problem or issue, whatever it may be. After a good workout I always feel great and it helps me to remember to think positive regardless the situation. I believe everything will always work out for the better in the end and it usually does. My mom, sister, and close friends are always a phone call away so it is comforting to know I can phone them and they will be there for me no matter the situation or problem. Positive thinking while Iââ¬â¢m engaging in any activity I enjoy is a great way for me dealing with stress and life in general. I always try to surround myself with positive people; people who are going to lift me higher and who help me cope with stress. When I am frustrated I cry, I have found that crying is a great release and that after doing so I always feel better. Rather than viewing crying as a weakness I view it as a strength, it takes more to admit one is overwhelmed than it does to always pretend to everything is ok and if it results in a happier me then it must be positive. Activities that reduce my stress: * Working out with a close friend * Running or swimming alone * Talking to a close family member or close friend * Going for a tan * Going for a long walk with my daughter * Watching a movie and cuddling with my daughter * Crying when frustrated How can I use Leisure differently to reduce Stress? I feel that I have a good overall balance of how I control my stress. Managing stress is all about taking charge; taking charge of my thoughts, my emotions, my schedule, my environment, and the way I deal with my problems helps me cope with stress. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun, plus the strength to hold up under pressure and meet lifeââ¬â¢s challenges head on. I admit that there are moments where I may crack under pressure but Iââ¬â¢m human and it is completely normal to have these moments. I know that I can improve on my time management when it comes to my daughter and my education time. I think that partaking in a yoga class once a week will help improve my stress levels. Also finding more free community family programs will be beneficial for daughter and me as well. It will help us to meet more families who may possibly be in a similar situation as us. The influence of my Cultural background on my Leisure I am of Metis background, my mom is aboriginal and my dad is from Nova Scotia. My mom is a residential school survivor and raised me and my siblings the western Canadian way. We do not practice aboriginal culture and tradition. While I have participated in smudging before and I have been to a few pow wowââ¬â¢s, I canââ¬â¢t say that my cultural background has contributed to my leisure in a large way.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale - 1844 Words
Both Margaret Atwoodââ¬â¢s The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale and George Orwellââ¬â¢s 1984 present vivid representations of dystopian future societies, and both encompass themselves with the roles of women within these societies. In Orwell s novel, however, important though women are to Winstonââ¬â¢s mental progression, they are not necessarily dominant to the story. Atwoodââ¬â¢s novel, however, could obviously not exist within the role of women; the entire basis of the story involves the role of women in the society the author reveals. The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale is about the treatment of women; 1984 is about a totalitarian society in which women, like men, are present to aid the Party. To begin with, in George Orwellââ¬â¢s 1984, there is very little difference between men and women in the outer and inner party, apart from the fact that men are not allowed to work in the pornography sector. And yet, Orwell presents the female gender as the weaker sex, who are frequently dishonoured with demeaning names and liability. An example By stereotyping the female characters, he is limiting our view of women and their importance within the society, and creating ways in which they are shown as quiet, dejected and introverted. Julia is exposed as a powerless, weak and incapable character, and unable of helping herself up as ââ¬Å"she held out a free handâ⬠towards Winston is the first time we meet her. Assuming he would pick her up, this quote suggests that she ââ¬Å"requiresâ⬠a man to perform in society. Throughout the novel, she isShow MoreRelatedThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1357 Words à |à 6 PagesOxford definition: ââ¬Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexesâ⬠(Oxford dictionary). In the novel The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale, Margaret Atwood explores feminism through the themes of womenââ¬â¢s bodies as political tools, the dynamics of rape culture and the society of complacency. Margaret Atwood was born in 1939, at the beginning of WWII, growing up in a time of fear. In the autumn of 1984, when she began writing The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale, she was living in West Berlin. The BerlinRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words à |à 5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through the explorationRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1060 Words à |à 5 Pagesideologies that select groups of people are to be subjugated. The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale by Margaret Atwood plays on this idea dramatically: the novel describes the oppression of women in a totalitarian theocracy. Stripped of rights, fertile women become sex objects for the politically elite. These women, called the Handmaids, are forced to cover themselves and exist for the sole purpose of providing children. The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale highlights the issue of sexism while also providing a cruel insight into theRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1659 Words à |à 7 Pagesbook The Handmaid s Tale by Margaret Atwood, the foremost theme is identity, due to the fact that the city where the entire novel takes place in, the city known as the Republic of Gilead, often shortened to Gilead, strips fertile women of their identities. Gilead is a society that demands the women who are able to have offspring be stripped of all the identity and rights. By demeaning these women, they no longer view themselves as an individual, but rather as a group- the group of Handmaids. It isRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1237 Words à |à 5 Pages The display of a dystopian society is distinctively shown in The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale, by Margaret Atwood. Featuring the Republic of Gilead, women are categorized by their differing statuses and readers get an insight into this twisted society through the lenses of the narrator; Offred. Categorized as a handmaid, Offredââ¬â¢s sole purpose in living is to simply and continuously play the role of a child-bearing vessel. That being the case, there is a persistent notion that is relatively brought up by thoseRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1548 Words à |à 7 PagesIn Margaret Atwoodââ¬â¢s The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale, The theme of gender, sexuality, and desire reigns throughout the novel as it follows the life of Offred and other characters. Attwood begins the novel with Offred, a first person narrator who feels as if she is misplaced when she is describing her sleeping scenery at the decaying school gymnasium. The narrator, Offred, explains how for her job she is assigned to a married Commanderââ¬â¢s house where she is obligated to have sex with him on a daily basis, so thatRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale, By Margaret Atwood1629 Words à |à 7 Pages Atwood s novel, The Handmaid s Tale depicts a not too futuristic society of Gilead, a society that overthrows the U.S. Government and institutes a totalitarian regime that seems to persecute women specifically. Told from the main character s point of view, Offred, explains the Gilead regime and its patriarchal views on some women, known as the handmaids, to a purely procreational function. The story is set the present tense in Gilead but frequently shifts to flashbacks in her time at the RedRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1540 Words à |à 7 Pages Name: Nicole. Zeng Assignment: Summative written essay Date:11 May, 2015. Teacher: Dr. Strong. Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale The literary masterpiece The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale by Margaret Atwood, is a story not unlike a cold fire; hope peeking through the miserable and meaningless world in which the protagonist gets trapped. The society depicts the discrimination towards femininity, blaming women for their low birth rate and taking away the right from the females to be educated ,forbidding them from readingRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1256 Words à |à 6 Pageshappened to Jews in Germany, slaves during Christopher Columbusââ¬â¢s days, slaves in the early 1900s in America, etc. When people systematically oppress one another, it leads to internal oppression of the oppressed. This is evident in Margaret Atwoodââ¬â¢s book, The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale. This dystopian fiction book is about a young girl, Offred, who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society. Radical feminists complained about their old lifestyles, so in Gilead laws and rules are much different. For example, men cannotRead More The Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1667 Words à |à 7 Pagesrhetorical devices and figurative language, that he or she is using. The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale, which is written by Margaret Atwood, is the novel that the author uses several different devices and techniques to convey her attitude and her points of view by running the story with a narrator Offred, whose social status in the Republic of Gilead is Handmaid and who is belongings of the Commander. Atwood creates her novel The Handmaidââ¬â¢s Tale to be more powerful tones by using imagery to make a visibleness, hyperbole
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